Mark Greisiger



Mark Greisiger has led NetDiligence®, a Cyber Risk Assessment and Data Breach Services company, since its inception in 2001. During that time, Mark has been responsible for the creation of highly-focused services that enable NetDiligence to support the loss control needs of US and UK insurers that offer cyber liability coverage (aka ‘privacy insurance’). Many of these insurers rely on NetDiligence assessments to verify that applicants have appropriate levels of network security safeguards, privacy practices and client vigilance to qualify for cyber liability coverage.

Prior to joining NetDiligence, Mark spent 12 years in the insurance industry, primarily with CIGNA P&C, where he created the first generation of cyber risk insurance.

Mark is also a frequently published contributor to various insurance & risk management publications and a sought-after speaker on the topic of cyber risk and liability.